Corporate Social Responsability

“True beauty lies in purity of the heart”


Social Responsibility for us is a commitment.

The attention to the corporate social responsibility is for us important and natural, because Panestetic have always given an ethical treatment to employees, suppliers and customers, as well as observing some simple sustainable rules within our company.

Panestetic is active throughout the year with charity activities on local and national territory and with great attention to nature and environment.

Panestetic has supported autonomy paths for women in Koppal, India, with microcredit projects organized by PANGEA ONLUS who are convinced that “life always restart from women”.

In Malawi, a whole carpentry was provided to help the premises to be self-sufficient in the construction of school benches, doors, hospitals beds, etc.

Today, Panestetic supports a project in Afghanistan regarding training courses for girls and boys, to learn a profession such as: Hairdressers, beauty therapists, barbers, farmers, tailors, etc. to ensure school attendance, to grow children in more secure environments and to give them the opportunity to learn a job to make the area a better world.

Panestetic is strongly convinced that so many small gestures can change the world.

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