
Serum, use it before your daily cream

21 November 2016

After thirty years old, it is highly recommended to start using a serum combined with a cream.

Serum is very important facial skin-care products, first of all it have a smoother texture, which absorbs quickly and can reach more easily the vital layers of the skin.

Actually it contains higher percentages of active ingredients than cream.

Use of serum as the matter of fact, extends and speeds up the results by increasing the activity of the cream.

Cream cannot replaces the serum and serum cannot replace the cream.

Cream is in fact the most complete skin-care product but serums have a more specific and incisive action.

After thirty years old, it is highly recommended to start using a serum combined with a cream, because the ageing process starts at age 25.

It can be applied once or twice a day, on the face or only on certain areas affected by the imperfection.

Ask for an advise to your beautician because thanks to her expertise you can rely on a suggest about the “The best home treatment for you”.